Here’s another practical tip using diffusion. While the sun is a nice ally it can sometimes be difficult to work with. A handy diffuser can make all the difference. This article is part of our Editor’s Diffusion tip article at the


When the sun is overhead, giving bad shadows and ugly lighting, another way to used diffusion to your advantage, is to use the angle of the sun and diffuse the harsh light and make it softer. For example if the sun is high above your subjects and slightly in front of them, have your subjects face the sun and place your diffuser directly in front of them in between the sun and your subject. Please see the picture below for the example. Then use a higher shooting angle to eliminate shadows and create a very nice diffused front light. Another setup could be if the harsh light was coming from the side, place the diffuser in between the subject and the sun, for a soft side light. See the images below for examples of the different lighting setups. To read the entire article please click here.


 High Angle Diffused Light: Lighting Setup: Fuji X-Pro1; Fujinon 35mm F1.4

High Angle Diffused Light: Lighting Setup: Fuji X-Pro1; Fujinon 35mm F1.4


High Angle Diffused Light: Facing the Sun: Canon 5d Mark III

High Angle Diffused Light: Facing the Sun: Canon 5d Mark III


High Angle Diffused Light: Side Light: Canon 5d Mark III

High Angle Diffused Light: Side Light: Canon 5d Mark III